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How I recovered my Hacked Instagram

IG Hacked

How I recovered my Hacked Instagram

Well, that was fun!!! NOT! Recovering my Instagram after being hacked sucked A$$, but we figured out how to get it back!

My goal here is to bring awareness, help you look out for the red flags and just let others know how to fix this in case it happens.

How It Happened

So My friend was messaging me on IG pushing this bitcoin situation, and I messaged her and said I thought she was hacked. She was like, no, I am not, I am just starting this bitcoin thing. She was actually in the middle of pivoting her life, so I thought it was legit. I kept messaging her, though, just chatting…

After a few days, I thought I should text her on her phone instead of messaging on IG, but I didn’t do it on time. They asked me for some info on text, I told them I got no link, just this weird code. She asked… I gave it to her thinking it was my friend asking what it was, and that is when the hack was started!

They immediately changed my phone number, changed my email, and changed my user name. I did get an email about the change, but I could not reverse it.

What I Tried To Do To Get It Back

For weeks I reported my account… sent a request through IFG support, and never got an answer. It was freaky frustrating, and it just pissed me off!

After googling it, watching youtube videos, and spending plenty of time on IG trying to figure out how to get it back, I failed! I did not try to recover that account because I NEEDED that account, but because I did not want anybody else to fall victim to this crap!

I asked everybody I knew to report my old account, hoping that IG would take it down or restrict them! They did not! So I did what I could and continued to spam hacker updates on my work Instagram and Facebook to warn people that this was happening.

Then about 3 weeks later, I got a message from a friend who said the same thing happened to her, and she got her account back. She walked me thru the steps and it worked! I tried to do this dozens of times before, and it did not work. I THINK Instagram gave us a new option to get our account back. Let’s go over the steps I took to get this fixed!

Steps I took for getting my account back

So I logged out of my new account on my phone and went to log in to an existing account. Then I went to “Forgot Password,” and I put in the NEW NAME that the hackers changed it to. Do not go to the “Next Buton”; press “Need more help” under the blue button.

How I recovered my Hacked Instagram
How I recovered my Hacked Instagram

Then it will send a code to your ORIGINAL phone number…
This is the key, the hackers had changed my phone number, and when I went to “forgot password” to try to get it back, it was going to the hacker’s phone number.

After you put in the code, they text you, and you click next; it will ask you if you have photos of your face on your Instagram. I answered yes, and then it had me scan my face while moving it in all directions. After I finished the steps, I got a confirmation email.

After a few hours (maybe 5-6) I got the Reset email. I could not believe it. Weeks after trying to make this happen, it finally happened!

Things to do when you get in

I had no issues, but some friends had issues with the hackers trying to get into the account after it reset, so I was prepared to work fast…

These are the steps I top

I went into Settings – Security – and Security setup – change your phone number and email and go through those steps.

Second, go to Settings – Security and turn on 2 TWO-Factor Authentication.

Check the login Activity and make sure nobody is trying to log in.

Red Flags ? on Instagram

If you get suspicious, you should video chat with the person to make sure they are not hacked. You can also real life text or all of them!

First, if you get anybody (even close friends and family) suggesting Bitcoin – Ignore and Run!

If anybody with a X in the username, then it is probably a scammer

If anybody offers you money, run away, contact the person another way, or ask the person to do a talk text message or video chat.

If anybody asks you to click a link, do not do it.

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How I recovered my Hacked Instagram

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